In this TedX talk, Dr. Steven Hayes offers several helpful techniques for handling nasty intrusive thoughts and putting some distance between you and the stuff in your head. Check it out:

First off, why does this happen? Basically, your sympathetic nervous system kicks your body into fight-or-flight mode. That releases a cascade of chemicals all over your body, one consequence of which is the blood vessels in your face dilating (amongst other heart-pounding, eye-opening, stomach-churning effects). There are typically two ways this gets triggered: You’re scared of the situation you’re in […]

We’ve all been there. You say something offensive on Twitter, the backlash is swift and furious, and you take a break from social media. But you miss it. That’s the only place you feel like you can express yourself. You crave those reactions to your comments. So you try to get back on Twitter but […]