Yes. The answer is an unequivocal, irrefutable yes. We can see this in anecdotal personal experiences and in research. Let’s start with an anecdote and then we’ll explore some research and what it might mean for you on your own journey. In the past, I struggled with a bunch of different mental illness diagnoses. The […]
The US Food and Drug Administration recently asked Endo Pharmaceuticals to take their “uncrushable” opioid painkiller, Opana ER, off the market because of public health concerns about the potential for abuse. “FDA requests removal of Opana ER for risks related to abuse” Not only is this the first time the FDA has recalled a drug […]
As I’ve been seeing more of the world’s countries legalize drugs like cannabis, I can’t help but think about all the other addictive substances and behaviors people are already addicted to. I feel like legalizing less harmful drugs can be a good thing for other social reasons(especially harsh criminal sentencing), but substance abuse is still […]
For OCD Awareness Week, Mark did a Q&A with The Mighty all about recovery from OCD, an overview of some of the OCD symptoms he dealt with, the benefits of approaching comorbid mental illness labels as one big bucket rather than a million different problems, the problems with our mental healthcare system, the differences between how his […]
In this interview from the City of Brains Project, Mike shares the story of supporting his brother finding help for schizophrenia in Toronto’s mental healthcare system. The story spans several years, bouncing around multiple hospitals and mental health services, interactions with the justice system, and personal mental health challenges. It’s a detailed, all-too-common description of […]