Mark heads off on a trip and shares about some of the tips and tricks he uses to cut out checking compulsions and embrace uncertainty before the trip has even started.

A solar eclipse is coming and that can only mean one thing: it’s apocalypse prophecy season! The rationalizing people do with prophesies is a useful way to explore magical thinking. You might not believe the world is about to end but understanding how people arrive at those conclusions can help you spot your own compulsive […]

In this interview from the City of Brains Project, Mike shares the story of supporting his brother finding help for schizophrenia in Toronto’s mental healthcare system. The story spans several years, bouncing around multiple hospitals and mental health services, interactions with the justice system, and personal mental health challenges. It’s a detailed, all-too-common description of […]

A 74 year-old man named Ralph Gilbertsen, of Richfield, Minnesota, feels harassed and he fears for his life. He has sent numerous letters to city officials, police, and his apartment building management detailing the harassment. He has copied down the license plate numbers of 75 different vehicles that have tailed him. Not only have officials […]