I’m wary to entertain that there is a debate on this or that it’s a “theory”. It’s like debating a theory that the Easter Bunny causes mental illness–if the onus is on me to prove that the Easter Bunny does not, in fact, cause mental illness, I must admit I have no proof she’s not […]

We could also call this: Recovery is like rowing. You’ll be bad at both until you’re not. And then you’ll just push harder. If you’re working with a personal trainer on your physical fitness, it’s not strange if you expect to work with somebody that’s in better shape than you, that practices the skills you want […]

One thing I found key to recovery was preparing to walk away from the illness. After years of fighting, I didn’t know how to live without mental health problems to manage. My existence was just a reaction to controlling anxiety. I only knew how to feel good by first feeling bad and then controlling that […]

In this TedX talk, Dr. Steven Hayes offers several helpful techniques for handling nasty intrusive thoughts and putting some distance between you and the stuff in your head. Check it out:

Forest Grove is a city of around 22,000 in the US state of Oregon and the police log from the last couple days of June, 2016, and the start of July, illustrates why training on mental health skills and services is so important for police officers: because they’re essentially dealing with mental health issues, from delusional episodes to […]

When people are struggling the most, they often encounter a part of the healthcare system that can seem like it was designed in the medieval era: emergency room care for people with mental illnesses. As budgets for mental health services get cut year after year, with no preventative care or dedicated psychiatric treatment centers accessible, […]