In a recent article I talked about magnetic fields stimulating the brain using a device call the ‘God Helmet’. I’m not going to open that can of worms again, but I did promise to delve into TMS and how it uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain. TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation – it […]

Researchers at the University of Zurich studied 191 adults over two years, using magnetic resonance imaging to assess each individual three times, tracking 450 anatomical features in the brain and they found that structural differences between participants were significant enough that they could identify an individual, based on the anatomy of their brain, with over 90% accuracy. […]

There has been some hype recently (see here, here, or here) about a helmet that has caused “mystical experiences” among individuals at a Dutch music festival. Sounds pretty cool, and a little unbelievable, that a helmet could cause such a reaction. What makes it even more unbelievable is it was just a skateboard helmet with […]