Step inside the Default Mode Network. Or breathe inside of it? Lose yourself in it? We’re not really sure yet. We’ve all been there – part way through a lecture, meeting, or workout you find yourself thinking about what to make for dinner, how to remodel your living room, what ever happened to your 4th […]
For OCD Awareness Week, Mark did a Q&A with The Mighty all about recovery from OCD, an overview of some of the OCD symptoms he dealt with, the benefits of approaching comorbid mental illness labels as one big bucket rather than a million different problems, the problems with our mental healthcare system, the differences between how his […]

These last few weeks I’ve had to think through some tough decisions on where my life was heading. Although I haven’t settled on something just yet, I became a lot more comfortable with the possible outcomes—after thinking about the things that really mattered to me in life. It wasn’t easy thinking about these things. Looking […]