Mark: Let’s chat about the whacky world of sleep! How was getting to sleep last night, Danielle? Danielle: Last night was actually not too bad! I’ve found if I’m in bed before 11 and can keep in a relatively regular routine of doing that, falling asleep and waking up is ok. It’s when life gets in the way […]

Mark joined Stuart, from The OCD Stories, for another wide-ranging interview (check out the first one here) on a variety of mental health and OCD issues, from Internet compulsions, to health anxieties, to dealing with false-memories, uncertainty, control, mindfulness, recovery, and why your therapist better start learning how to run marathons…

Mark: What has helped the most with taking care of your mental health? Josie: I find this question difficult to answer because I can’t think of a singular entity that has helped my mental health the most overall, I think different issues are helped by different things. I suppose if I had to narrow it […]
Mark: What has helped the most with taking care of your mental health? Megan: Moving away from negative people had the biggest impact towards improving my mental health. Growing up I was constantly surrounded by people who put me down and said hurtful things. When I went off to college I was able to […]