Mark: Let’s chat about the whacky world of sleep! How was getting to sleep last night, Danielle? Danielle: Last night was actually not too bad! I’ve found if I’m in bed before 11 and can keep in a relatively regular routine of doing that, falling asleep and waking up is ok. It’s when life gets in the way […]
In this TedX talk, Dr. Steven Hayes offers several helpful techniques for handling nasty intrusive thoughts and putting some distance between you and the stuff in your head. Check it out:

Cutting out compulsions is a key component of recovery from mental illness. But when we engage in compulsions inside our heads as a reaction to anxiety and depression and other feelings we don’t like, they can sometimes be more difficult to wrap our heads around (pun intended!) than compulsions outside of our heads. In this […]

Our fears love to latch onto the very things we would never want to have happen. The problem is, the moment we start reacting to the intrusive thoughts with coping, checking, and controlling compulsions, we actually encourage our brains to throw those intrusive thoughts at us even more, and they only get more intense the […]
But you can learn how to swim. When I say that mental illness is like drowning and building better mental health is like learning how to swim, I’m not suggesting that mental illnesses aren’t real biological experiences. Drowning is a very biological experience. If we took some guy that doesn’t know how to swim and […]