Mark: Let’s chat about the whacky world of sleep! How was getting to sleep last night, Danielle? Danielle: Last night was actually not too bad! I’ve found if I’m in bed before 11 and can keep in a relatively regular routine of doing that, falling asleep and waking up is ok. It’s when life gets in the way […]

So this was supposed to be a review of a meditation app with guided meditations to help with sleep. That plan went a little sideways. Instead, I’m going to talk a bit about how difficult it is to get a habit of sleep meditation via app to stick. Here was my plan: Pick an app […]

France instituted a new labour law this year which included a provision that asks companies with more than 50 employees to negotiate with their staff to establish times when the employees may digitally disconnect from the office. There are no penalties for companies that don’t establish a code of conduct around email use but the law is meant to, […]

If you want to take care of your mental health, not getting enough sleep is a terrible idea. Whether it’s a few nights of trying to get by on less sleep than usual, or you’re pulling an all-nighter, choosing to not get enough sleep is choosing to make your mental health worse and choosing to experience […]